To drama queen x

 hey stalker, read me

Just a response letter to @lankylittlemid
Don't worry, I'm not going to spill your real username here so no one know that you are mean to me. You’re welcome.

This is for all hurtful things you proudly wrote about me.
I'm sure the only things you know about me are the assumptions you have made from all my social media accounts, including this blog when you’re extremely mad to see the 'hey stalker' meme I made for you.
If you wanna say that I look ridiculous at least be a little bit pretty and stylish in your appearance first.
You hate me, obviously. But I don't hate you at all because I understand your pathetic situation, really.

Your boyfriend left you lonely with a broken heart, you were hurt and disappointed, you couldn't help but keep asking why it is so hard for you to let go, yeah... I've been there.
Girl, don't tell me I have no idea about your thread on twitter. 
I had done a lot to my ex too just like what you did, supported through ups and downs (mostly downs) as well. But I never bring up that matter because I did all of that pure from my heart. You didn’t? No wonder.
So here that I want to clear up for you, I don't steal your boyfriend. 
I never talked to him before in past 4 years. When I asked him about his status he said, "I'm single". I wasn’t the reason he decided to end things with you. Besides, you dumped him in the first place. Who steals who? Maybe you thought he was gonna get back to you like the old times, but turned out he came along to me. You were in denial state, took a situation that I had no part in and blamed me for it.
He such a good guy, closed his mouth about your sins. A manipulative person won't do that. But I need a story from his side because I’m not gonna hear only from your lalaland.
So here it is, he finally told me that you had been cursed him a lot. You were dominated him with no respect. His friends even said that he barely seemed happy before. If you really claimed yourself know him better, you shouldn't done that because he takes things to heart. What 6 years for? Graduated from elementary school? Ups sorry not sorry.
You focused on his fault but forgot about your own mistakes. He cannot count how many times you've hurt his feelings because you treated him like a garbage.
Don't you know you are toxic? Emotionally abusive? Narcissistic? No?
I hope you get your sanity back so you can clearly think about all mean things you've ever said to him.

Lastly about you took a massive part back then, WOW do you need some appreciation now? Here then, thank you for everything you've done for him, included his accident in the past which happened because of you.
That is all, I'm done with your dramatic big mouth. Make yourself speak nicely before trying to shit on someone randomly and call her a bitch. Seriously, what kind of an ESL teacher has that kind of attitude? Miss, you're the one who supposed to be ashamed. 
I can’t believe I’m dealing with this childish behavior that comes from someone who is much way older than me.
It's been 8 months, move on. You told me you don't want him back, but you didn't shut it out. You keep telling tales behind our back, spreading false rumors, recruiting friends to stalk us, and suddenly getting along with one of his friends to get some information. Crazy.

Please know your place. You've been blocked.
I wasn’t sure whether to post this or not because he said your scene is not important, but here goes the facts you need to know.
Have a good life outsider. 

Your ex's current girlfriend.

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